DC PAWS relies on volunteers to rescue, find homes and save homeless dogs and cats from rural, under-resourced regions. Meet...
Author archive for: ADMIN
Volunteer Spotlight: Jong Kim

DC PAWS relies on volunteers to rescue, find homes and save homeless dogs and cats from rural, under-resourced counties and...
Adopt Jessie, the dog who wants to be your coach

As we approach the end of January, your new year’s resolution to get healthier–exercise more, lose weight, win more FitBit...
Train Your Dog Month Behavior Focus: May I Pet Your Dog?

January is Train Your Dog Month, an awareness month which promotes training the family pet with everyday manners and understanding...
An Extreme Makeover: Rescue Dog edition for Cecil

Cecil is a shih tzu, about six years old, who was found at animal control in terrible shape with debris-coated...